Mel Schwartz, LCSW

The pathologizing of a culture

A young woman in her mid-twenties recently came in for her first visit with me.  Three months earlier she had experienced her first bout of… Continue reading The pathologizing of a culture

Why new year’s resolutions tend to fade and how to achieve them

Year after year, so many people make New Year’s resolutions that over time wither and fade into another failed attempt to transform some aspect of… Continue reading Why new year’s resolutions tend to fade and how to achieve them

The Paradox of Expectations

Beginning a new year often brings forth a review of our expectations and I thought it might be a good idea to briefly examine this… Continue reading The Paradox of Expectations

Looking at greed as an addictive dysfunction

Looking at Greed as an Addictive Dysfunction The saga of the Bernard Madoff debacle, AIG bonuses and the host of other repugnant behaviors actually reveal… Continue reading Looking at greed as an addictive dysfunction

Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks

Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks On occasions when people might inquire as to what type of work I do, I’d typically respond that I practice… Continue reading Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks

Coming into the Edge……

I was in the middle of a challenging stretch in a yoga class recently, when the instructor encouraged us to come into the edge. Move… Continue reading Coming into the Edge……

Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Our struggle with growth is very much about the dramas we engage in trying to come out of our comfort zone. In fact, we’d be… Continue reading Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Order our of Chaos—Embracing Uncertainty

The words, order and chaos, are particularly value laden. We tend to embrace order and avoid chaos at all costs. I’ve come to wonder why… Continue reading Order our of Chaos—Embracing Uncertainty

Patriotism need not be blind

Patriotism is broadly defined as one’s love and devotion to their country. The political arena magnifies charges of a candidate as either being patriotic or… Continue reading Patriotism need not be blind

The Land of Babel

In my therapy practice my attention is often focused upon clarity of communication. It’s the cornerstone of successful relationships and a subject that was glaringly… Continue reading The Land of Babel