Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#117 The Myth of Objectivity

In The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 117, Mel reveals the uncommon sense that objectivity is impossible, and describes the benefits of a more interconnected, subjective worldview.

#039: The Inherent Bias of Being Human

In episode 039 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, we are challenged to rethink our biases and face false claims of objectivity in order to become better communicators in all of our relationships.

#032: Bonus Episode — The End of Reality: The Consequences of a Truth-Less and Fact-Less World

The Possibility Podcast host Mel Schwartz engages with fellow podcaster Paul Samuel Dolman (What Matters Most) on the consequences of living in a truth-less world.

#030: How Our Beliefs Inform Our “Truths”

Episode 30 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz features an interview with yoga therapist Jennie Lee on how beliefs inform our perception of the truth.

Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks

Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks On occasions when people might inquire as to what type of work I do, I’d typically respond that I practice… Continue reading Why Psychotherapists Shouldn’t be Shrinks