Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Barack was Wrong–There are Two Americas

Early in his primary campaign Barack Obama urged that there wasn’t a blue America and a red America, but one America. His exhortations toward unity,… Continue reading Barack was Wrong–There are Two Americas

Turning Financial Crisis into Opportunity

As a psychotherapist, I have worked with many individuals who are high powered, high income Wall Streeters. Even in the best of times, many of… Continue reading Turning Financial Crisis into Opportunity

To blink or not to blink?

It has become glaringly apparent to me that the orientation and values of the Democratic and Republican parties might be distilled down to the issue… Continue reading To blink or not to blink?

The President’s Psyche

Once a year, the president is required to have their annual physical check up. We want to assure ourselves that our leader is in proper… Continue reading The President’s Psyche

Keep it Vibrating

A Recent New York Times science article informed that if concrete is kept vibrating, it won’t become set and retains a liquid form. This concept… Continue reading Keep it Vibrating

Do not measure thyself!

In my work as a psychotherapist I often see individuals who are plagued by a relentless measuring of themselves. These people carry on an internal… Continue reading Do not measure thyself!

Flip Flopping

The term flip-flopper generally evokes notions of politician’s charges against one another as they change their positions on issues. It suggests that one or the… Continue reading Flip Flopping

Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

The passing of Tim Russert inspired a very unqiue and extraordinary response in so many of us. He truly integrated so many core features of a… Continue reading Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

If marriage were a corporation, it would be bankrupt

The fact that more than half of marriages end in divorce is actually the lesser problem. The more telling consideration is that the majority of… Continue reading If marriage were a corporation, it would be bankrupt

The Familiar Zone

What we refer to as our comfort zone becomes at times not quite so comfortable, as it is familiar. Old habits and behaviors that we… Continue reading The Familiar Zone