Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Why Limit Yourself to a Therapist “Near Me?”

Searching for a therapist “near me” limits your options. Discover the many advantages of remote individual, marriage, and couples therapy.

#123 Let’s Talk About Therapy

In episode 123 of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, let’s talk about the process of therapy, including the benefits of therapy, how to select a therapist, what to expect, and Mel’s own approach to therapy.

Getting Beyond “How Does That Make You Feel?”

“How does that make you feel?” is almost a therapy cliche. Mel Schwartz explains why moving beyond feelings leads to truly effective therapy.

Silence: A Relationship Killer

Over the many years that I’ve been practicing therapy, I’ve found that couples that are struggling in their relationships often succumb to the default mode… Continue reading Silence: A Relationship Killer

Freeing Yourself from the Grip of Low Self-Esteem

To further our exploration of developing authentic self-esteem, I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Self-Esteem Workshop, a live, interactive videoconference, beginning Tuesday, August… Continue reading Freeing Yourself from the Grip of Low Self-Esteem

The pathologizing of a culture

A young woman in her mid-twenties recently came in for her first visit with me.  Three months earlier she had experienced her first bout of… Continue reading The pathologizing of a culture