Mel Schwartz, LCSW

The pathologizing of a culture

A young woman in her mid-twenties recently came in for her first visit with me.  Three months earlier she had experienced her first bout of… Continue reading The pathologizing of a culture

Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Our struggle with growth is very much about the dramas we engage in trying to come out of our comfort zone. In fact, we’d be… Continue reading Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Order our of Chaos—Embracing Uncertainty

The words, order and chaos, are particularly value laden. We tend to embrace order and avoid chaos at all costs. I’ve come to wonder why… Continue reading Order our of Chaos—Embracing Uncertainty

Keep it Vibrating

A Recent New York Times science article informed that if concrete is kept vibrating, it won’t become set and retains a liquid form. This concept… Continue reading Keep it Vibrating

Do not measure thyself!

In my work as a psychotherapist I often see individuals who are plagued by a relentless measuring of themselves. These people carry on an internal… Continue reading Do not measure thyself!

Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

The passing of Tim Russert inspired a very unqiue and extraordinary response in so many of us. He truly integrated so many core features of a… Continue reading Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

The Familiar Zone

What we refer to as our comfort zone becomes at times not quite so comfortable, as it is familiar. Old habits and behaviors that we… Continue reading The Familiar Zone

Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator

Certainty and predictability, the dominant motifs of Newton’s worldview are deeply rooted in our culture and in our thinking. These deterministic features are sought after… Continue reading Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator

What is Emergent Thinking?

Emergent Thinking (R) is a transformative process that I have developed to assist people in their personal evolution and self-actualization. The foundation of this approach… Continue reading What is Emergent Thinking?