Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Transcending Anxiety

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with your thoughts. Thoughts script your experience of life. When thoughts attach to fear, the result is… Continue reading Transcending Anxiety

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The Problem with Perfection

In recent years, I’ve treated increasing numbers of individuals who are driven to distraction through their pursuit of perfection.  The desire to be perfect traps… Continue reading The Problem with Perfection

Make Today Your Defining Day

If you struggle to change, here’s your path to break free. Having endured unimaginable, horrific, life-limiting circumstances for the better part of 2020, many of… Continue reading Make Today Your Defining Day

Staying Resilient and Manifesting New Possibilities in the Time of Pandemic: An Interactive Zoom Workshop

Wednesday 05/13/2020 3:00 PM – 4:15 EDT This event will be recorded and sent to registrants Sliding scale fee: $30.00, $40.00, $50.00 To Register Join… Continue reading Staying Resilient and Manifesting New Possibilities in the Time of Pandemic: An Interactive Zoom Workshop

Don’t Personalize Your Partner’s Issues

They may impact you but they may not be about you Our close personal relationships often feel like we’re under a microscope, as we examine,… Continue reading Don’t Personalize Your Partner’s Issues

Relationship Resilience During Covid-19 Confinement

This is an ideal time to learn breakthrough communication skills Even in the best of times, dealing with relationship conflict and frustrating communications can feel… Continue reading Relationship Resilience During Covid-19 Confinement

Overcoming Anxiety in The Time of Pandemic

Let’s begin by looking at what we mean by the word anxiety. Anxiety is the emotional/physical response that occurs when our thoughts attach to fear.… Continue reading Overcoming Anxiety in The Time of Pandemic

How to Make Better Decisions and Stay Safe Through the Pandemic

In the coming weeks and months we’ll be addressing many of the challenges you’ll likely be facing and new ways of thinking to overcome them.… Continue reading How to Make Better Decisions and Stay Safe Through the Pandemic

Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

All of us­ are sharing something in common. Our lives feel in upheaval of as we plunge into the chaos of the unknown. I’d like… Continue reading Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

Real Esteem

Self-worth, self-esteem. What do they really mean? Being rich, being popular, Great grades, being followed, Captain of the team Still leave you hollow   It… Continue reading Real Esteem