Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#022: Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Best Foot Forward

In dating and early stage romantic relationships, there’s a belief that we should put our best foot forward. If we really look at this tendency,… Continue reading #022: Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Best Foot Forward

#027: How To Change People’s Minds

Possibility Podcast 27 has Mel breaking down the secret to changing other people’s minds by focusing on beliefs, not facts.

#028: The Damage Done by What Goes Unspoken

Host Mel Schwartz explores how not speaking up in relationships of all kinds can result in stagnation, self-fulfilling prophesies, and default mutual misunderstanding.

#035: Men Who Cry at Movies

Episode 036 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz features an observation of Mel’s: Men who cry at movies rarely do so over personal matters. Listen to discover why this is, and what it means.

#042: A Radical Rethinking of Relationships with Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt

In episode 042 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, Mel shares a lively conversation with Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt participatory, evolving relationships.

Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

All of us­ are sharing something in common. Our lives feel in upheaval of as we plunge into the chaos of the unknown. I’d like… Continue reading Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

I was recently having a conversation with a young man about his passion in certain sports. As we talked further it became very evident that… Continue reading To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Mastering your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side  A Real-Time, Interactive, Online Workshop To enjoy resilient relationships, successful lives and authentic self-esteem we… Continue reading Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side