Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Mastering your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side  A Real-Time, Interactive, Online Workshop To enjoy resilient relationships, successful lives and authentic self-esteem we… Continue reading Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

For the Sake of the Children

I’ve often heard people in conflicted and unhappy marriages claim that they are staying together for the sake of the children. Even if they do good… Continue reading For the Sake of the Children

Are We Really Speaking about the Same Thing?

How often have you felt frustrated in conversations as if you were each talking about a different thing? That’s because you were… To experience truly… Continue reading Are We Really Speaking about the Same Thing?

Falling In and Out – and Back – in Love

The experience of falling in love is truly a thing of marvel. It’s a remarkable and incomparable feeling. Time seems altered and our senses become… Continue reading Falling In and Out – and Back – in Love

Be the Change You Seek in the Other

Few things are as common to our relationships as our asking for, if not demanding, change from one another. These may begin as requests and… Continue reading Be the Change You Seek in the Other

Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Best Foot Forward

Most people begin their dating relationships by putting their proverbial “best foot” forward. We do this to entice the other person to like us and possibly fall for us.  If the relationship succeeds the courtship typically declines over time as the routine sets in. The months may turn into years and eventually one or both people may claim, “You’re not who I thought you were.” Of course not, how can we possibly know each other when we’re selectively hiding particular aspects of our being?

Putting your best foot forward makes no sense in light of the fact that over time, your true self will surface. Wouldn’t it be more sensible to present your genuine self and not worry about someone else’s judgment? When we manipulate or alter ourselves out of concern for what others will think, we abandon our authentic self-esteem and invest in what I call other-esteem Self-Esteem or Other-Esteem? This is not only ruinous to our actual self-worth it is nonsensical in terms of the relationship itself. Two people doing a dance around authenticity doesn’t augur well for a successful relationship

From my professional experience – as a therapist and marriage counselor – it takes as much as two years of being in a committed and emotionally intimate relationship for a couple to reasonably feel that they know one another. Yet, very often, the pledge of commitment occurs prematurely for the other shoe hasn’t yet dropped. So what are we committing to? Who we’re pretending to be? This is a prescription for disaster and accounts for a large percentage of failed or unhappy relationships down the road. In fact, emotional intimacy requires removing the masks and disguises that we wear which obscure our genuine self.

A client of mine shared the following story: He met a young woman for lunch on a prearranged blind date. He said he had a really nice time, found himself emotionally and verbally engaged and quite attracted to her. I asked him if he thought she felt similarly. He happily indicated that was the case, as far as he knew. Yet, there was something nagging at him.

There were aspects of his life that he felt she would be judgmental about. I explored this with him and helped him consider that he might be constructing a problem where none existed. His inclination was to hide those aspects of his personality and his past that she might scrutinize. I suggested that he do just the opposite. I encouraged him to reveal his true self. What did he have to lose? If his fear was justified and she disapproved of him, why delay the inevitable? Did he want her to like who he was pretending to be or who he really was?

On their next date, he freely shared stories about himself that he otherwise would have kept hidden, for fear of her scrutiny. He reported with surprise and delight, that she not only accepted the cloaked parts of his persona, but, was actually intrigued by them. When we defend against our insecurities and put our best foot forward, masking what we feel vulnerable about, we betray our authenticity and self-esteem and sabotage the future of the relationship as well. Being thoughtful, considerate and sensitive shouldn’t be confused with hiding aspects of yourself that you feel tentative about. You owe it to yourself and the future of the relationship to embrace your discomfort and reveal your genuine self.

More from Mel

Podcast 014: It’s Easy to Say I Love You

Being Heard: Breaking Through the Impasse

In my last post, Silence: A Relationship Killer, we explored the ruinous consequences that intentional silence has on relationships. Silence is antithetical to healthy communicating.… Continue reading Being Heard: Breaking Through the Impasse

Silence: A Relationship Killer

Over the many years that I’ve been practicing therapy, I’ve found that couples that are struggling in their relationships often succumb to the default mode… Continue reading Silence: A Relationship Killer

Freeing Yourself from the Grip of Low Self-Esteem

To further our exploration of developing authentic self-esteem, I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Self-Esteem Workshop, a live, interactive videoconference, beginning Tuesday, August… Continue reading Freeing Yourself from the Grip of Low Self-Esteem

Self Esteem or Other Esteem?

In my previous article, Self-Esteem: A Missed Diagnosis, I proposed that a devaluation of one’s self lies at the heart of most psychological and emotional… Continue reading Self Esteem or Other Esteem?