Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Shared Meaning

We take for granted that our words convey exactly what we intend them to. This is a particularly misinformed assumption. I have observed that upon… Continue reading Shared Meaning

Coming into Balance

A few summers ago I broke my foot, the fracture occurring as I missed a step on my front porch. The break occurred on the… Continue reading Coming into Balance

Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” is all too familiar. Yet, as the case with many common sayings, we might benefit from taking a look at… Continue reading Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

The 5% Rule — Breaking Through the Argument

Early in my career as a therapist, I found myself feeling frustrated in my ability to assist a couple with whom I was working. They… Continue reading The 5% Rule — Breaking Through the Argument

Getting Past the Right or Wrong Impasse

In the previous post we looked at how dominant the motif of seeking to be right is in our culture. It is one of the… Continue reading Getting Past the Right or Wrong Impasse

Why Is it so Important to Be Right?

One of the most prevalent – and damaging – themes in our culture is the need to be right. It’s one of those essential memes… Continue reading Why Is it so Important to Be Right?

Creating Resilient Relationships

The wonder of first meeting and falling in love is in part due to the curiosity and passion of learning about each other. Regrettably, over… Continue reading Creating Resilient Relationships

What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

We recently announced a new feature at A Shift of Mind called the Question of the Week. The following is my response to Louise, who… Continue reading What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

#121 How Wealth Can Negatively Impact Relationships

In a special cross-posting of the blog and podcast, the focus is on how wealth can often be detrimental to healthy interpersonal and familial relationships.

Over-Simplifying Equals Dumbing Down

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Either / or thinking leads to stagnation, while embracing complexity brings clarity of thought. Read to discover how our relationships evolve once we free ourselves from the need to be right.