Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Quantum Relationship: Keeping Your Love Connected

The experience of falling in love is altogether reminiscent of what in quantum physics is known as entanglement. In the microscopic realm once two particles… Continue reading Quantum Relationship: Keeping Your Love Connected

Embracing Uncertainty to Manifest Your Future

The pursuit of our personal change process often results in frustration and struggle. As much as we may fantasize new visions for our life, we… Continue reading Embracing Uncertainty to Manifest Your Future

Breaking the Cycle of Negativity in Your Relationship

Too often, when we encounter challenges and conflict in our primary relationships we tend to spiral down very quickly. When we’re in this down cycle,… Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Negativity in Your Relationship

Change a Word—Change Your Life

Many years ago, I’d often fall into a recurring disagreement with my former wife. At bedtime I’d frequently find myself saying, “It’s hot in here.”… Continue reading Change a Word—Change Your Life

Breaking Free From the Groove of Old Thought

Those of us old enough to remember vinyl records-notwithstanding their recent comeback-might recall that when there was a scratch on the album, the needle sometimes… Continue reading Breaking Free From the Groove of Old Thought

Why We Suffer From Anxiety and How We Can Overcome It

In any given year approximately 40 million Americans will suffer from a debilitating encounter with anxiety. Over the course of your lifetime, there’s a 25%… Continue reading Why We Suffer From Anxiety and How We Can Overcome It

#001: From Being to Becoming

In this debut episode of the Possibility Podcast, host Mel Schwartz shares the nature of what he calls defining moments. These are the moments in which… Continue reading #001: From Being to Becoming

#005: Mel Schwartz Interviewed on the Science of Success Podcast

In this bonus episode Mel is interviewed by Matt Bodnar on The Science of Success Podcast. Matt, a truly gifted interviewer, prompts Mel to share the evolution of… Continue reading #005: Mel Schwartz Interviewed on the Science of Success Podcast

#016: Reclaim Your Lost Potential

In this episode Mel explains how our innate state of potential becomes narrowed and finite due to personal experiences; often early in life. From these… Continue reading #016: Reclaim Your Lost Potential

#067: The Quantum Entanglement of Relationships

Episode 67 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz examines how healthy relationships follow the same quantum physics rules as the universe itself!