Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#075: Share More with Your Children

In the Possibility Podcast 075, Mel Schwartz explains why we must share more with our children, becoming mentors, not managers, in our children’s lives.

For the Sake of the Children

I’ve often heard people in conflicted and unhappy marriages claim that they are staying together for the sake of the children. Their implied message is… Continue reading For the Sake of the Children

Shared Meaning

We take for granted that our words convey exactly what we intend them to. This is a particularly misinformed assumption. I have observed that upon… Continue reading Shared Meaning

The 5% Rule — Breaking Through the Argument

Early in my career as a therapist, I found myself feeling frustrated in my ability to assist a couple with whom I was working. They… Continue reading The 5% Rule — Breaking Through the Argument

#006: Raising Resilient Children

Mel says, “As a culture we tend to focus on the achievement and success of our children but omit something far more important; their resilience.”… Continue reading #006: Raising Resilient Children

To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

I was recently having a conversation with a young man about his passion in certain sports. As we talked further it became very evident that… Continue reading To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Mastering your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side  A Real-Time, Interactive, Online Workshop To enjoy resilient relationships, successful lives and authentic self-esteem we… Continue reading Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Raising Resilient Children

As parents, no matter how devoted and nurturing we may be, our children often struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and a host of other… Continue reading Raising Resilient Children