Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Self-Esteem or Other Esteem?

After some consideration and many years of practice as a therapist, I have come to believe that the term self-esteem appears to be a misnomer.… Continue reading Self-Esteem or Other Esteem?

#118 Self-Esteem Isn’t What You Think It Is

The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 118 reveals that self-esteem is not really what we think. Mel explains what it is, what causes it, and how to shift our thinking to experience true self-worth.

#074: Embrace the Power of Vulnerability

Episode 074 of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz examines the power of vulnerability to achieve authentic self-worth and self-esteem.

Why Acting Strong is Actually Weak

A troubling theme that I come across in my work as a therapist — and in my observation of people in general — is the… Continue reading Why Acting Strong is Actually Weak

#009: The Power of Authentic Self-Esteem

The concept of self worth remains tragically misunderstood in our culture. Most people seek to bolster their sense of self by being well thought of,… Continue reading #009: The Power of Authentic Self-Esteem