Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#133 Possibility and Quantum Physics

The Possibility Podcast #133 is another bonus episode, this time featuring Mel Schwartz in conversation with Christian de la Huerta from the Leaders Transforming Global Consciousness Summit 2022.

Why Is it so Important to Be Right?

One of the most prevalent – and damaging – themes in our culture is the need to be right. It’s one of those essential memes… Continue reading Why Is it so Important to Be Right?

#132 Quantum Physics and Psychotherapy

The Possibility Podcast #132 is a bonus episode featuring Mel Schwartz in conversation with Dwight Hurst on The Broken Brain podcast.

Don’t Personalize Your Partner’s Issues

They may impact you but they may not be about you Our close personal relationships often feel like we’re under a microscope, as we examine,… Continue reading Don’t Personalize Your Partner’s Issues

For the Sake of the Children

I’ve often heard people in conflicted and unhappy marriages claim that they are staying together for the sake of the children. Their implied message is… Continue reading For the Sake of the Children

#059: If Marriage Was a Corporation…

In the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz episode 059, Mel declares that if marriage was a corporation, it would be bankrupt. Fortunately, there are ways to re-frame commitment and responsibility that help cultivate a healthy, lasting, committed realtionship.

Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Our struggle with growth is very much about the dramas we engage in trying to come out of our comfort zone. In fact, we’d be… Continue reading Utilizing Crisis to Break Free of the Familiar Zone

Turning Financial Crisis into Opportunity

As a psychotherapist, I have worked with many individuals who are high powered, high income Wall Streeters. Even in the best of times, many of… Continue reading Turning Financial Crisis into Opportunity

The Familiar Zone

What we refer to as our comfort zone becomes at times not quite so comfortable, as it is familiar. Old habits and behaviors that we… Continue reading The Familiar Zone

Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator

Certainty and predictability, the dominant motifs of Newton’s worldview are deeply rooted in our culture and in our thinking. These deterministic features are sought after… Continue reading Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator