You might not get to live life over, but you can change your life from this moment forward if you like… but how? Learn the techniques to break free from your personal status quo.
You might not get to live life over, but you can change your life from this moment forward if you like… but how? Learn the techniques to break free from your personal status quo.
“How does that make you feel?” is almost a therapy cliche. Mel Schwartz explains why moving beyond feelings leads to truly effective therapy.
Either / or thinking leads to stagnation, while embracing complexity brings clarity of thought. Read to discover how our relationships evolve once we free ourselves from the need to be right.
Is it always a good idea to do the best you can do? This question came up recently in a therapy session and catalyzed me… Continue reading When Doing the Best You Can Becomes a Compulsion
For those of us old enough to remember vinyl records, we might recall that when there was a scratch on the album, the needle would… Continue reading Stuck in a Groove
Our Most Intimate Relationship The most intimate relationship we will have in our lives is not with our parents, our spouses, our children or closest… Continue reading Breaking Free from Your Comfort Zone
The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz #104 asks: are we progressing in our humanity as quickly as we progress in other, more material, ways?
The Possibility Podcast 109 compares the overly simplistic “either-or” Western mindset with the fluid, possibility-rich reality quantum physics describes.
In The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 115, Mel provides an introduction to the themes of his next book, Uncommon Sense: How to Live a Fearless Life.
According to the National Institute of Health, one in every two Americans will ultimately be diagnosed with some form of mental illness. What’s behind this… Continue reading Low Self-Esteem: A Missed Diagnosis