Is it always a good idea to do the best you can do? Moreover, can we ever be sure that it’s really our best? These… Continue reading Doing the best you can
Is it always a good idea to do the best you can do? Moreover, can we ever be sure that it’s really our best? These… Continue reading Doing the best you can
Breakthrough or Breakdown? With rare exceptions, we seem to struggle in our desire to breakthrough. Yet, exactly what are we trying to breakthrough? Typically, it’s… Continue reading Breakthrough or Breakdown?
Most people try to avoid making mistakes. In fact, many people experience considerable stress and anxiety around avoiding mistakes. We may labor and fret over… Continue reading What is a mistake?
This question — asked so often — suggests that there is actually a plausible answer. Almost as if our identity were a fixed thing. People… Continue reading Who Am I?
This question comes up so often in my therapy sessions. The greatest source of invalidation comes from denying our feelings — whether we do it… Continue reading Can Your Feelings Be Wrong?
A few summers ago I broke my foot, the fracture occurring as I missed a step on my front porch. The break occurred on the… Continue reading Coming into Balance
The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” is all too familiar. Yet, as the case with many common sayings, we might benefit from taking a look at… Continue reading Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?
As with many goals that we struggle to attain, we tend to go after them in a way that blocks our success. Quite often I… Continue reading The Paradox of Confidence
Early in my career as a therapist, I found myself feeling frustrated in my ability to assist a couple with whom I was working. They… Continue reading The 5% Rule — Breaking Through the Argument
While I was in the midst of delivering a somewhat provocative talk on the subject of change, a gentleman in the audience indicated that he… Continue reading What Informs Your Belief?