The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” is all too familiar. Yet, as the case with many common sayings, we might benefit from taking a look at… Continue reading Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?
The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” is all too familiar. Yet, as the case with many common sayings, we might benefit from taking a look at… Continue reading Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?
Some of the remarkable discoveries from quantum physics can be adapted to help us break free from the groove of our past and unleash real… Continue reading Collapsing The Wave: Creating New Realities
In episode 092 of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, let’s look at the transcendent nature of new love, and the specific steps you and your partner can take to sustain that feeling over time.
The experience of falling in love is truly a thing of marvel. It’s a remarkable and incomparable feeling. Time seems altered and our senses become… Continue reading Falling In and Out – and Back – in Love
In this second episode of the Possibility Podcast, Mel Schwartz explores the nature of love. Unlike the Beatles song, “All You Need Is Love,” Mel… Continue reading #002: Love Isn’t All You Need
In this episode Mel delves into the nature of healthy self-love. This love for self is not self-interested or narcissistic, but a bountiful relationship with… Continue reading #013: You Can’t Love Another If You Don’t Love Yourself