Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Can Your Feelings Be Wrong?

This question comes up so often in my therapy sessions. The greatest source of invalidation comes from denying our feelings — whether we do it… Continue reading Can Your Feelings Be Wrong?

Don’t Call Me A Shrink

The Myth of Objectivity When people ask me what I do for a living, I typically respond that I practice psychotherapy. I often hear the… Continue reading Don’t Call Me A Shrink

Getting Beyond “How Does That Make You Feel?”

“How does that make you feel?” is almost a therapy cliche. Mel Schwartz explains why moving beyond feelings leads to truly effective therapy.

Breaking Free from Your Comfort Zone

Our Most Intimate Relationship The most intimate relationship we will have in our lives is not with our parents, our spouses, our children or closest… Continue reading Breaking Free from Your Comfort Zone

Silence: A Relationship Killer

Over the many years that I’ve been practicing therapy, I’ve found that couples that are struggling in their relationships often succumb to the default mode… Continue reading Silence: A Relationship Killer

#058: The Essential Power of Validation

The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz episode 058 describes the essential power of validation as an engine of connection, empathy, and intimacy. Listen as Mel provides actionable techniques to help you validate others in your relationships.