Mel Schwartz, LCSW

What is a mistake?

Most people try to avoid making mistakes. In fact, many people experience considerable stress and anxiety around avoiding mistakes. We may labor and fret over… Continue reading What is a mistake?

Who Am I?

This question — asked so often — suggests that there is actually a plausible answer. Almost as if our identity were a fixed thing. People… Continue reading Who Am I?

Can Your Feelings Be Wrong?

This question comes up so often in my therapy sessions. The greatest source of invalidation comes from denying our feelings — whether we do it… Continue reading Can Your Feelings Be Wrong?

What Informs Your Belief?

While I was in the midst of delivering a somewhat provocative talk on the subject of change, a gentleman in the audience indicated that he… Continue reading What Informs Your Belief?

What Is a Mistake?

My previous post, “The Problem with Perfection,” unraveled some of the mythology and beliefs about notions of perfection that limit and impede many people’s lives.… Continue reading What Is a Mistake?

What Do We Mean by Death, and How Does that Impact Our Lives?

We recently announced a new feature at A Shift of Mind called the Question of the Week. The following is my response to Sherin, who… Continue reading What Do We Mean by Death, and How Does that Impact Our Lives?

Creating Resilient Relationships

The wonder of first meeting and falling in love is in part due to the curiosity and passion of learning about each other. Regrettably, over… Continue reading Creating Resilient Relationships

What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

We recently announced a new feature at A Shift of Mind called the Question of the Week. The following is my response to Louise, who… Continue reading What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

Emotional Nonviolence

We’ve all heard about the nonviolence movement eschewing physical violence. In this article, I make the case for emotional nonviolence, and show how it can be achieved.

Communication Is the Heartbeat of Relationship

If communication is indeed the heartbeat of relationship, it’s little wonder that most relations are on coronary care. Once again we are confronted with another… Continue reading Communication Is the Heartbeat of Relationship