Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Overcoming Anxiety: Turning Your Thoughts Into Your Ally

Overcoming Anxiety

A LIVE Interactive Videoconference

Learn to turn your thoughts into your ally!

3 Wednesday evenings — 7:15-8:30 PM EDT — October 23 – November 6, 2013

Fee: $89.00


  • Do you compare yourself with others and worry what they think of you?
  • Is your thinking prone toward critical self-measuring?
  • Does fear control your life?
  • Do you struggle with self-esteem?
  • Are you afraid of making mistakes?



Anxiety has reached epidemic proportions in much of the modern world.

People search for help, in traditional psychotherapy or medication, yet most of us still struggle to change our relationship with our thoughts. There is a misinformed belief among many professionals that the best you can do with anxiety is to manage it.

This belief is limiting, self-fulfilling, and damaging. Psychotherapist Mel Schwartz lays this myth to rest as he shares his unique approach, which has helped innumerable people in overcoming anxiety. He is the founder of the Emergent Thinking® process, a transformative method designed to help people become the master of their thinking.


This live, interactive videoconference will help you to:

  • Understand how your beliefs feed your anxiety
  • Develop a powerful mastery of your thinking process
  • Attain new levels of confidence
  • Break free from the grip of worrisome and negative thoughts and feelings
  • Live a fully participatory and creative life, without fear


Experience the full potential of your life


Mel has literally transformed my thinking and helped free me from anxiety!
–Stan Crouch, Investment Banker

Mel is a brilliant thinker and teacher. His work with me has sparked insights and changes that I never would have imagined possible.
–Patty Bernhard, Teacher

Mel Schwartz’s Emergent Thinking Process catalyzed profound changes in my life.
–Helen Smith, Educator and Trainer


The course fee includes live interaction with Mel and other participants over the course of three sessions, access to archived workshops, and a complimentary copy of The Art of Intimacy, The Pleasure of Passion.

The workshop is hosted by, and registration is limited. All workshops take place online and can be accessed from the comfort and privacy of your home. If you’re unable to attend a session at the appointed time, you can access the archived video.

To read Mel’s articles on anxiety, please visit his blog at



Mel Schwartz LCSW, MPhil is a noted psychotherapist, marriage counselor and seminar leader. He is the author of The Art of Intimacy, The Pleasure of Passion and the forthcoming A Shift of Mind. Mel earned his graduate degree from Columbia University and has been a keynote speaker at Yale University. His blog, A Shift of Mind, addresses the topics of relationships, consciousness, anxiety and depression and has been read by close to a million people. Mel is the founder of the Emergent Thinking™ process — a landmark approach to personal growth. His practice is in Westport, CT, and he works with individuals, couples and organizations globally.


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Tiana Gustafson

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