Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Mastering your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side 

A Real-Time, Interactive, Online Workshop

To enjoy resilient relationships, successful lives and authentic self-esteem we need to have a proper command of our communication skills. The problem is we received no education in this cornerstone for happiness. And so we struggle.

This real-time online workshop will provide you with the skills to master your communication, enabling you to thrive in your life.

Over the last ten years, Mel Schwartz, psychotherapist and author, has pioneered a practical yet breakthrough method for helping people achieve superior communication skills. This workshop benefits individuals, couples, families, and businesses. Designed for adults, young adults and adolescents.

  • 4 Tuesday Evenings: 7:15-8:30pm EDT, starting April 19th
  • $149 – securely purchase now through Paypal 
  • All workshops are archived should you miss any
  • Q&A during and at conclusion of each workshop. Your questions are also invited in advance
  • For further information, please write to

Join Mel in this breakthrough opportunity and learn to:

  • Get past the mindless right vs. wrong impasse
  • Enjoy empathic and validating conversation
  • Become present and truly listen
  • Overcome the pitfall of seeking the “objective” truth
  • Learn to find your authentic voice and improve your self-esteem
  • Develop emotional and verbal intimacy
  • Bridge the gender divide between thinking and feeling
  • Master the art of dialogue

To read Mel’s articles on communication and relationship, click here 


Mel Schwartz, LCSW MPhil is an emerging voice in the field of personal transformation.  Mel’s approaches assist people in working through limitations, activating defining moments, and embracing life’s uncertainties. His methods strengthen communication, create resilient relationships, build authentic self-esteem, and enable us to overcome anxiety and depression.

Mel believes that everyone has an opportunity to experience the life we choose—if we are willing to challenge our view of the world.   His life narrative mirrors a philosophy of authenticity that facilitates the process for others to create more fearless and expansive lives.

He is the author of the forthcoming The Possibility Principle: How Quantum Physics Can Improve the Way You Think, Live, and Love (Sounds True, Fall 2017). Mel also wrote The Art of Intimacy, The Pleasure of Passion and has written 100+ articles for Psychology Today, and writes regularly for his Illuminating the Possibilities blog.

In private practice in Westport, CT and Manhattan for more than two decades, he’s an LCSW from Columbia University and has a Masters of Philosophy from England’s Lancaster University. He works globally with clients by skype.

Mel can be reached at 203.227.5010 or at

Please be sure to like his Facebook page, follow him on Twitter, and join his Linkedin network

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[…] Learn about Mel’s live, interactive online workshop — Mastering your Communication Skills: B… […]

David Galen

Mel, I listened to you on coast to coast and a light bulb went off. I just wanted to thank you and applaud your efforts. I am in California just north of Los Angeles and was wondering if there were any workshops in our area or therapists. My wife has been on anti depression medication for years and I see this as a breakthrough we could share. We will be reading your books and blogs. Thank you,

Matthew Selznick

Hi David,
I’m sorry to hear of your wife’s troubles. I’ll be announcing shortly a number of online workshops that might be beneficial. Glad you enjoyed the interview.

Matthew Selznick

Thanks David! Stay in touch.

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