Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#135 What in the Hell Do We Mean by the Term Codependence?

The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 135 looks at the term “codependence.” Can we agree on a meaning of that word? Can we reclaim the word and associate it with positive, balanced interpersonal relationships?

#136 Stop the Measuring!

In The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 136, I ask: can we stop measuring, quantifying, comparing, and rating our experiences?

#94 The Power of Synchronicity and Consciousness

A conversation with life coach Leonardo Morán on the power and mystery of synchronicity and consciousness in episode 094 of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz.

#132 Quantum Physics and Psychotherapy

The Possibility Podcast #132 is a bonus episode featuring Mel Schwartz in conversation with Dwight Hurst on The Broken Brain podcast.

#070: Sharing My Personal Transformation

In episode 070 of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, Mel presents his “origin story” as an example of how challenges and uncertainty can be transformational.

#116 The Gift of Uncommon Sense

The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz 115 proposes we reject so-called “common” sense and adopt a worldview that lifts us up rather than brings us down. Mel reveals an “uncommon sense” that emphasizes our limitless potential.

#085: Why Do Opposites Attract?

In episode 085 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, Mel asks, why are we attracted to our opposite number? Why is referring to our partner as “my other half” actually damaging our relationship and ourselves?

#137 Overcome Anxiety

In The Possibility Podcast episode 137, I share my approach for overcoming anxiety, fear and distress cultivated from principles of quantum physics.

#120 I Am Enough

The Possibility Podcast 120 features an interview with somatic healing coach and trauma recovery specialist Ilene Smith, author of Moving Beyond Trauma.

#97 How Coping Mechanisms Can Imprison You

Coping mechanisms can backfire over time. Listen to this solo 97th episode of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz to learn how.