Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#058: The Essential Power of Validation

The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz episode 058 describes the essential power of validation as an engine of connection, empathy, and intimacy. Listen as Mel provides actionable techniques to help you validate others in your relationships.

#057: Detox Your Mind

Listen as Mel describes both why, and how, we must remember to detox our minds as well as our bodies, clearing negative and repetitive thoughts and regaining control of our potential.

#056: Mid-Life Crisis? Mid-Life Opportunity!

Mel Schwartz re-frames the mid-life crisis as a powerful opportunity for growth, change, and personal evolution. Listen to learn how what others call “crisis” can be a moment of positive transformation.

#031: Bonus Episode — The Hero’s Journey

In this bonus episode, Possibility Podcast host Mel Schwartz is interviewed on the Hero’s Journey Economy Podcast to discuss navigating life without fear.

#055: Are You Curious?

Mel Schwartz explains how being curious is essential for a life of possibility, and how curiosity is the driving force behind successful relationships.

#054: Reducing Teen Suicide: The Hidden Causes

Mel Schwartz explores the underlying trends contributing to the rise in teen suicide and offers suggestions on how to give teens and young people the tools to avoid feelings of despair and disconnection.

#051: Be Significant

Why living a life of deep meaning and purpose helps us feel significant and valuable to ourselves and in our relationships with others.

#050: Turn Small Talk into Real Talk

Episode 50 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz offers lessons on the value of turning small talk into real talk for human connection.

#049: The Gift of Forgiveness

Episode 49 of the Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz examines the gift of forgiveness for ourselves and in our relationships with others.

#021: Do You Care How I Feel?

It’s all to common to get lost in the facts and details of arguments as we debate over right vs. wrong. This type of argument… Continue reading #021: Do You Care How I Feel?