Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#008: Who Am I?

“Who am I?” is a common question that many people ponder. In this episode inspired by his popular article, Mel Schwartz explains why this may in… Continue reading #008: Who Am I?

#009: The Power of Authentic Self-Esteem

The concept of self worth remains tragically misunderstood in our culture. Most people seek to bolster their sense of self by being well thought of,… Continue reading #009: The Power of Authentic Self-Esteem

#011: Rethinking Our Relationships (Mel Interviewed on the What Matters Most Podcast)

In this bonus episode Mel is interviewed by Paul Samuel Dolman, the talented host of the What Matters Most podcast. Paul explores Mel’s insights and perspectives about… Continue reading #011: Rethinking Our Relationships (Mel Interviewed on the What Matters Most Podcast)

#012: Why We Struggle With Change

How we view personal change and what we believe about the change process will inform the story of our life. In this episode of The Possibility… Continue reading #012: Why We Struggle With Change

#013: You Can’t Love Another If You Don’t Love Yourself

In this episode Mel delves into the nature of healthy self-love. This love for self is not self-interested or narcissistic, but a bountiful relationship with… Continue reading #013: You Can’t Love Another If You Don’t Love Yourself

#015: The Moment That Changed My Life

In this episode Mel shares a personal life-altering experience that both challenged his identity and yet also provided an opportunity for his deeper growth. He… Continue reading #015: The Moment That Changed My Life

#016: Reclaim Your Lost Potential

In this episode Mel explains how our innate state of potential becomes narrowed and finite due to personal experiences; often early in life. From these… Continue reading #016: Reclaim Your Lost Potential

#017: Word Hacking – Eight Common Words That Disrupt Our Lives and Relationships

Our words matter. They matter far more than we likely understand. In this episode of the Possibility Podcast, Mel Schwartz introduces eight common words we… Continue reading #017: Word Hacking – Eight Common Words That Disrupt Our Lives and Relationships

#018: Overcoming Anxiety

The belief that the best we can do is to cope with or manage anxiety is both wrong, irresponsible and harmful. The epidemic incidence of… Continue reading #018: Overcoming Anxiety

#020: Bonus Episode ~ Mel on the Fear Not Podcast

In this bonus episode, Billy J. Atwell of the Fear Not podcast interviews Mel on the nature of fear and methods for transcending this common, yet debilitating… Continue reading #020: Bonus Episode ~ Mel on the Fear Not Podcast