Mel Schwartz, LCSW

Rethinking Anxiety

When a dysfunction such as anxiety – or depression, for that matter – becomes so commonplace, we must turn to our culture, which is our… Continue reading Rethinking Anxiety

Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

All of us­ are sharing something in common. Our lives feel in upheaval of as we plunge into the chaos of the unknown. I’d like… Continue reading Staying Resilient Through the Pandemic: Maintaining Vigilance of Mind

To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

I was recently having a conversation with a young man about his passion in certain sports. As we talked further it became very evident that… Continue reading To excel or to have fun? That is the question.

From Being to Becoming

How we experience our lives is very much informed by how we see reality operating. The prevailing mindset of most, still believe in a fixed,… Continue reading From Being to Becoming

Integrating your Intelligence and Intuition to Achieve Wisdom

Intelligence and intuition are very different ways of knowing. We might think of them in opposing ways. Most people tend to default into operating from… Continue reading Integrating your Intelligence and Intuition to Achieve Wisdom

Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Mastering your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side  A Real-Time, Interactive, Online Workshop To enjoy resilient relationships, successful lives and authentic self-esteem we… Continue reading Mastering Your Communication Skills: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Barack was Wrong–There are Two Americas

Early in his primary campaign Barack Obama urged that there wasn’t a blue America and a red America, but one America. His exhortations toward unity,… Continue reading Barack was Wrong–There are Two Americas

Patriotism need not be blind

Patriotism is broadly defined as one’s love and devotion to their country. The political arena magnifies charges of a candidate as either being patriotic or… Continue reading Patriotism need not be blind

The Gift of Confusion

We are encumbered by a cultural imperative to value clarity and to have the correct answer. The need to distance ourselves from confusion is mandated… Continue reading The Gift of Confusion

Raising Resilient Children

As parents, no matter how devoted and nurturing we may be, our children often struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and a host of other… Continue reading Raising Resilient Children