Mel Schwartz, LCSW

To blink or not to blink?

It has become glaringly apparent to me that the orientation and values of the Democratic and Republican parties might be distilled down to the issue… Continue reading To blink or not to blink?

Flip Flopping

The term flip-flopper generally evokes notions of politician’s charges against one another as they change their positions on issues. It suggests that one or the… Continue reading Flip Flopping

Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

The passing of Tim Russert inspired a very unqiue and extraordinary response in so many of us. He truly integrated so many core features of a… Continue reading Somewhere… Over the Rainbow

The Familiar Zone

What we refer to as our comfort zone becomes at times not quite so comfortable, as it is familiar. Old habits and behaviors that we… Continue reading The Familiar Zone

Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator

Certainty and predictability, the dominant motifs of Newton’s worldview are deeply rooted in our culture and in our thinking. These deterministic features are sought after… Continue reading Uncertainty: Our Great Liberator

What is Emergent Thinking?

Emergent Thinking (R) is a transformative process that I have developed to assist people in their personal evolution and self-actualization. The foundation of this approach… Continue reading What is Emergent Thinking?

What is a mistake?

Most people try to avoid making mistakes. In fact, many people experience considerable stress and anxiety around avoiding mistakes. We may labor and fret over… Continue reading What is a mistake?

Doing the best you can

Is it always a good idea to do the best you can do? Moreover, can we ever be sure that it’s really our best? These… Continue reading Doing the best you can

Self-Esteem or Other Esteem?

After some consideration and many years of practice as a therapist, I have come to believe that the term self-esteem appears to be a misnomer.… Continue reading Self-Esteem or Other Esteem?

Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” is all too familiar. Yet, as the case with many common sayings, we might benefit from taking a look at… Continue reading Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?