Mel Schwartz, LCSW

What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

We recently announced a new feature at A Shift of Mind called the Question of the Week. The following is my response to Louise, who… Continue reading What Do We Mean by “Moving on”?

Nurture Yourself

Your primary relationship in life is not with your spouse, your children, or with your parents or closest friend. Will you take the time to value it?

Igniting Your Change Process

Photo credit: MinskDesign

You might not get to live life over, but you can change your life from this moment forward if you like… but how? Learn the techniques to break free from your personal status quo.

Emotional Nonviolence

We’ve all heard about the nonviolence movement eschewing physical violence. In this article, I make the case for emotional nonviolence, and show how it can be achieved.

The Perils of Progress

There’s no question human beings have progressed across the centuries… but are we advancing in the ways that truly enrich and enhance our humanity?

Getting Beyond “How Does That Make You Feel?”

“How does that make you feel?” is almost a therapy cliche. Mel Schwartz explains why moving beyond feelings leads to truly effective therapy.

Over-Simplifying Equals Dumbing Down

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Either / or thinking leads to stagnation, while embracing complexity brings clarity of thought. Read to discover how our relationships evolve once we free ourselves from the need to be right.

Communication Is the Heartbeat of Relationship

If communication is indeed the heartbeat of relationship, it’s little wonder that most relations are on coronary care. Once again we are confronted with another… Continue reading Communication Is the Heartbeat of Relationship

When Doing the Best You Can Becomes a Compulsion

Is it always a good idea to do the best you can do? This question came up recently in a therapy session and catalyzed me… Continue reading When Doing the Best You Can Becomes a Compulsion

Collapsing The Wave: Creating New Realities

Some of the remarkable discoveries from quantum physics can be adapted to help us break free from the groove of our past and unleash real… Continue reading Collapsing The Wave: Creating New Realities