Mel Schwartz, LCSW

#055: Are You Curious?

In the fifty fifth episode of The Possibility Podcast with Mel Schwartz, author and psychotherapist Mel Schwartz wants to know: are you curious?

We cannot be fully alive and engaged without active curiosity… and there’s been a trend toward a loss of curiosity in recent decades. Listen to learn…

  • …the consequences of a lack of curiosity for our relationships, our culture, and ourselves
  • …why Albert Einstein was right when he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”
  • …the difference between knowledge and curiosity, and how the latter is necessary to acquire the former
  • …how algorithms diminish curiosity by limiting future choice and discovery
  • …the important difference between asking, “Who am I?” and “How would I like to experience my life?”
  • …why curiosity and wonder are integral to falling in love
  • …the benefits to living a life asking, “What if” out of curiosity, not fear
  • …how curiosity keeps relationships of all kinds from stagnation
  • …why and how being curious keeps us present

How has being curious affected your life? How might being more curious make it better? Please leave a comment with your thoughts!

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